Friday, August 28, 2009

goodbye dinner

Last night the Scalia's (minus Jean Christophe who is actually in our Chapel Hill office for the week) took me out to the most incredible dinner! Florence, Hugo, Antoine, Charlotte, and I piled into the car and drove into the Place du Trocadéro that overlooks the Eiffel Tower. We ate at Café De l’Homme, this restaurant was definitely very swanky and the weather was absolutely perfect for a long, relaxing dinner out on the terrace.

Check out this link so you can get a feel for the place:

We were seated at our table outside at 8:30 and started off with some wine and foie gras all around. I never thought eating the liver of a duck could be so tasty, but it was really delicious! The whole meal was absolutely hysterical; the kids are enjoying their last week of summer before school, so the days and nights are full of partying, getting in trouble, and getting out of trouble. We were talking in a mix of French and English, with everyone at the table babbling in a mix of both.

When it was time for the main dish, I had a filet de boeuf that was spectacular! Each hour the Eiffel Tower lights up and sparkles for ten minutes and everyone oooohs and ahhhs, it really is magical. We got to see it three times last night and each time seemed just as exciting as the first! Even though I was already stuffed, ordering dessert was a must and again I went for the crème brulée...soooooo good!!! I think after all of the wine and good food last night I need to take quite a long walk at lunch.

I really can't believe that it's my last day in Paris today!!!
I am SO excited to see Brandon and Cath and Brooks tomorrow, but I really will miss so many things about being here. If nothing else I think this trip really showed me I like life in a bigger city where it's possible to take public transportation everywhere and you can just swing by an art gallery on your lunch break. This was such a great trip and I am already sad it’s over and I am still here!


  1. Excited to see you tomorrow too! I've enjoyed reading all these entries - it's been literally the first thing I do before I even get out of bed for work. I might surprise you and cook you up a Croque Royale (just gotta check the Harris Teeter frozen food section ;)

    Love you!

  2. YAAAAAY!!! I'm so glad you had such an AMAZING experience and I'm even more glad that you will be home tomorrow. Looks like Brandon and I will be having a Croque Royale cookoff for you....but, seeing as his will be frozen, I'm sure that I will be the victor!

    Travel home safely and I can't wait to see your face!!!.....p.s. anytime you want to move to a huge city with public transportation let me know. I will have my bags packed in a day. =)
