Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Hour FINALLY

Look at me, I’m on a train!
Today I experienced my first true Amazing Race moment, and dad, since I am typing this from a train, I think we are ready to try and get on the show! I worked through lunch today to scoot out early, knowing that my train to Dusseldorf leaves at 5:25. As the clock ticks past 4:30 and I am frantically sending emails, JC pushes me out the door and off I go. I know I must take the metro from Charles de Gaulle, switch metro lines at Barbès Rochechouart, and catch the train at Gare Nord.
I am a little nervous about this considering I haven’t really ridden a lot of trains; the minutes keep ticking by and I know if I miss this train I will also miss at least two solid hours of bar time with Celia. This is not an option. Since I was so anxious I must not have been thinking because I went on the green metro line and not the blue…shit. Fortunately I noticed and switched back at the next stop. Ten minutes lost.
Those ten minutes were my “time cushion” so now I am starting to stress and am totally being “that girl” who checks the time on her phone every three seconds, as if I don’t know three seconds have passed. Finally I reach Gare Nord and it is 5:10, I have 15 minutes to leave the metro, find the tracks, and get on the right train. I know one wrong choice and I am going to hear the chooooo chooooooo pass right by.
Deep breath, read the signs, follow directions – should be easy enough. After hauling it through the station I find my track and jog down the never-ending walkway to my train. I spot it and board at 5:21…4 minutes to spare!! Not too shabby!

I am delighted to tell you all that Thalys trains have a happy hour from 5 to 7 with 2 euro beers…FRIDAY HAS ARRIVED!

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