Monday, August 24, 2009


The weekend went by so fast and before I knew it, it was already Sunday! I didn't have to catch my train back to Paris until 5:45, so there was still a whole day ahead and time to cram in some more sight seeing and hanging out. We took the train to Cologne and toured around the Dome Cathredal, which is by far the oldest thing I think I have ever seen. The cathedral is absolutely breathtaking, it seems like the stain glass windows go as far as the eye can see.

The Dome Cathedral is most famous for housing the remains of the Three Magi, which are kept in a gold relic on the main alter. There are also many saints and bishops in tombs around the church. Downstairs there is a treasury museum that has artifacts so old it will totally boggle your mind! There are bones from saints and St. Peter's chains on display...the list goes on and on.

After touring all of the church and the treasury of relics, it was time to eat again! We sat outside at a cafe and got some beers from Cologne and ordered some food that is very "Rhine-ish". I had a big sausage on top of a giant bed of kale mixed with potatoes...very tasty but kind of looked like seaweed. Celia got these scary looking white sausages that were served in a bowl of water! My overall opinion of German food is that the dishes look quite terrifying, but if you can bring yourself to taste it, it's really good!!!

After drinking two giant beers and solving all of the problems of the world, it was sadly time to go. We all were about to pee our pants so we ran to the train station and shelled out one euro each to use the toiletten. I think that was most likely the most expensive bathroom trip I have ever had but also very necessary!!!

I had such a fantastic stay in Dusseldorf and only wish I could have gotten to stay longer. It was absolutely amazing to see how totally different the people, the food, and the cities seem to be between Germany and France and they are only a short train ride apart...amazing. A big DANKE goes out to Celia and Toby, my fabulous hosts and tour guides!!!

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