Thursday, August 13, 2009

my bohemian bliss

If I could live anywhere in Paris and money was no object, Montmarte would be the place! At the foot of the 'mountian' is the Moulin Rouge in all it's red lights and spinning windmill glory. As you climb upward through the cobblestone streets there are tons of small cafes, street musicians, and wandering artists. It is absolutely the image of La Vie Boheme that I love!

At the very top of Montmarte is Sacre Coeur, an absolutely beautiful basilica that overlooks the whole city. Here is a picture of Marie and I on the steps and Sacre Couer in the background. It was funny to me because there were so many local teenagers hanging out on the steps with cigarettes and bottles of wine - nothing like getting drunk on the steps of a church over looking the city!

After walking through the inside of Sacre Coeur we wandered the streets and had dinner outside at a beautiful dinner. We walked into the restaurant at 10 pm, definitely a different time schedule than i am used to! The next hour or so were spent sipping on wine and eating French Onion soup and veal with mushrooms...delicious! I thought since it was already almost midnight the evening would be almost over...but this was not the case! Laurent, Marie's husband, drove us through some other areas and we parked and walked to more beautiful streets for a few more hours...


  1. Ahhhhhhhh the good life - French Onion soup, wine, small cafes, and street musicians...
    We miss you, but love the stories!

  2. Your Dad passed this along last night!! All of us are SOOOO jealous. Maybe this will be inspiration for Brian and Daniel.....Daniel is a geography major and needs to see the world (he went to NZ this summer) and Brian would just love to get out (like all engineering majors). The commentary makes me feel like I'm there, and I can't wait to read more-especially the shenanigans!
