Thursday, August 6, 2009

The reason for the season...

For the past two years and some change, I have been finding my place “in the real world” with a company called PS International in Chapel Hill, NC. PS is an international trading company that specializes in exporting various food commodities all over the world.
Me, I’m a bean woman. I spend my days coordinating the traffic and logistics of shipping peas, beans, and lentils to places like Algeria, Angola, China, the list goes on and on... Maybe not the most glamorous thing you can imagine, but hey, everybody has to eat.

We have a small satellite office Paris, France - which brings me to this blog. While our French employees are all enjoying their holidays, I get to go to Paris for three weeks and hold down the fort! I am so excited for what is sure to be quite the adventure – I am so ready to improve my language skills, meet some new people, and squeeze in as many shenanigans as possible when I’m not working…that’s right folks, I am mixing business with pleasure…Paris style!

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