Monday, August 24, 2009

To the top of the TV Tower!

Once we digested all that curry sausage and laid around the house a little bit to do some team facebook stalking of college friends (that's right, I admit it), it was time for some Saturday evening adventures! The TV Tower is a big attraction in Dusseldorf, it is right on the Rhine river and you can go up to the height of 168 meters (there is also a restaurant a little higher up, but it was a little to fancy for our wallets).

The coolest thing about the TV Tower, aside from providing tv reception I suppose, is that you can tell what time it is simply by looking at the tower. Toby had to explain to me a few times, but I think I know how to do it! I am not sure how to really explain it in writing, but there are different color dots that light up signifying the hour, minutes, and seconds...very cool. We took the elevator to the top and had a great time looking at each angle of the city as the sun set.

The way the lounge at the top of the TV tower is designed, it has giant plates of glass that are all leaning outward about 45 degrees. You can lay your body against the glass and in pictures it looks like you are just resting on top of the whole city. I saw people doing it and instinctly started to lay down, but all of a sudden my feet started sweating and I got really nervous. Celia doesn't enjoy this activity, but with Toby egging me on I was determined to do it! I may have been eating hearty german food all day, but I can't be the one person in the past three decades that causes the glass to crack, right? haha. Finally I got up the nerve and did it, my big accomplishment for the day, and I am proud to tell you, the TV tower still stands.

After taking the elevator back down and getting our feet on solid ground, it was time for dinner. Since I was in Germany, I really wanted to eat some weiner schnitzel! We strolled back to the old town area and went to a really cool restaurant for a nice long dinner. The food came, and the schnizel was so big it was literally dangling off both ends of the plate onto the table. With the help of some yummy wine and good conversation, we shut the restaurant down and filled our bellies to the top. Soon after Toby slipped into a meat coma and Celia and I had some girl time while watching the Sex and the City movie and laughing about college stories that never seem to get less funny...


  1. "and the schnizel was so big it was literally dangling off both ends of the plate onto the table." THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!!!!

    Sorry, I couldn't resist. =)

  2. HAHAHAHA I knew all of these german sausage jokes would get at least someone...OF COURSE it's brooks!!!
